Frequently Asked Questions
Explore our Frequently Asked Questions section below to find the specific information you are looking for about our photography short courses.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can be a valuable location to find answers to questions you might have before you book a lesson or send me an email. If you still need help finding what you’re looking for, feel free to use the Search panel, or you can contact me via email on my contact page.
The FAQ’s drop-down menu
Also includes other topics that may interest you, including:
Course Prices – Gives you a rundown on current prices
Course Levels – Helps you decide which level best suits
Tips and Tricks – Provides valuable photography knowledge
Privacy Policy – Makes you aware of our privacy policies
FAQ – Courses
Why do I specialise in photography lessons?
Photography lessons (or one-on-one teaching) are by far the best way to get information across to a student. Over the years, I have run many photography workshops, varying in numbers from 6 to 25. I can tell you that one-on-one lessons are a far better learning environment and outcome for students.
Can I break up my lesson?
You are welcome to do 2 hours of theory and return for the remaining practical activities. Alternatively, you can choose to do one or the other. Look at the Course Summary for more information.
Can we cater for disabled students?
Yes, depending on the severity of the disability, there isn’t generally a problem. Also, all lesson locations are 100% wheelchair friendly.
How do I decide on an appropriate course?
Basically, there are only two camera courses. One is for beginners, and the other is for more advanced users wanting to get off the Auto settings.
FAQ – Booking
When do I pay for my lesson?
Most people pay me on the day of the lesson. You can pay with cash or EFTPOS, or I can send you an account with seven (7) days to pay.
How do I book my lesson?
Please feel free to email me directly to book a lesson or use the Online booking option.
Can Don come to me if I am outside Toowoomba?
Yes, I can come to a location outside of Toowoomba. You will need to provide the location so I can quote on travel costs.
Course Summary
Provides a breakdown of topics, activities, goals, and prerequisites for comparison.